Plastic Free July

It’s Plastic Free July!

You can help the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation and the earth by reducing the number of single use plastics you use daily.

  • Bring in 25 single use plastic bags to the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation’s free Conservation and Education Center and spin our prize wheel!
  • Bring in 50 single use plastic bags to the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation’s free Conservation and Education Center for a chance to win tickets to visit the Aquarium!

The Foundation will recycle all single use plastic bags that are dropped off during Plastic Free July.

To help remind you about Plastic Free July at home, make and take a jellyfish with a plastic bag you bring from home.

For more information about Plastic Free July and how you can easily reduce single-use plastic in your

life, visit:

Roeslein & Associates is headquartered in St. Louis, providing engineering, manufacturing, and construction services globally. There is an 85% chance the aluminum can you used today came from a facility they built.